April 2015 Issue

The annual White House Easter Egg Roll dates back to Ohioan Rutherford B. Hayes’ time in office. The tradition lives on in Fremont.
It’s a great time to ride the Hocking Hills Scenic Byway. Check out these sights and stops along the way.
Head south across the Ohio River and find a range of fun and tasty food in these cities.
The Toledo Zoo’s aquarium offers its visitors an up-close look at the world beneath the waves.
Sample a range of old-fashioned and handmade treats at these Amish Country spots.
Food + Drink
Three Ohio chefs share recipes for getting creative with baby kale, arugula and dandelion greens.
Ohioan and author Celeste Ng explores the clash of Chinese and American cultures in her acclaimed debut novel.
The Toledo Museum of Art offers a look at the Civil War from eyewitness observers and artists of the era.
Home + Garden
Landscape designer Ann Cicarella embraces surprise, whimsy and beauty in the ever-evolving masterpiece that is her backyard.
Ohio Life
Company founder Dave Longaberger came up with the idea for the imaginative and attention-getting 180,000-square-foot building in 1994
The Akron-based artist works in materials that are more commonly associated with the factory floor than the art gallery.