May 2014 Issue

There’s a lot going on in the Buckeye State this time of year. We’ll help you get ready to make the most it.
A trip to Michigan’s western shore promises lakeside towns that cater to a range of tastes.
A trip to Butler County promises fun the entire household can share in together. Here are six stops to get you started.
Food + Drink
Three chefs that focus on seasonal and local ingredients share recipes that are a great fit for al fresco dining.
P.L. Gaus pens mysteries set in Ohio’s Amish and Mennonite communities.
The Cleveland Museum of Art explores Vincent van Gogh’s repetitive nature.
Home + Garden
Landscape architect Ellen Biddle Shipman was a pioneer in her field. Here's where you can still see her work today.
Ohio Life
A grandmother’s affections are shown through the unlikeliest of gifts.
Monitoring the butterfly species that call Ohio home requires untold hours of patience and dedication.