CLE Bottle Crafts Co. lamps (photo by Steve Seidlecki)
Food + Drink

The Man Who Turns Liquor Bottles into Conversation Pieces

Steve Siedlecki’s CLE Bottle Craft Co. turns creates functional and fun pieces for the home.

Most people think the art of distilling lies solely in the spirit itself, but Steve Siedlecki of CLE Bottle Crafts Co. has always found beauty in the bottles. Rather than see these works of art go to waste, Siedlecki gives them a second life as accent pieces and functional home goods. 

We sat down with the creator to learn more about his craft and just how he turns bottles into artsy lamps. Find his work at

What inspired you to start creating these functional art pieces?
I’ve really gotten into the big boom of bourbon. The design of the bottles always stuck out to me. Some of these companies put so much work into creating nice designs for the bottles and labels, and it stinks to see them go into the trash. I thought, “What can I do to build on their creativity and make something special out of it?”

What types of pieces have you made?
I make lamps, tiki torches, planters for small houseplants and bottles with fairy lights inside or coffee beans or gems for accent pieces. I’ve also done some framed resin art.

Do you have any favorite bottles?
Western Reserve Distillers’ bottles are really neat looking. The bottles have a nice round neck and a big round belly. They’re not super narrow or super tall, so they are sturdy as art pieces. I got to know the owners and now they let me pick up empty bottles, and they even sell some of my pieces in their gift shop. 

Where do you source bottles?
I’ll get them from customers, family and friends. I pick up bottles from local bars or distillers. I’ll even volunteer at tasting events and collect the bottles afterwards. It’s been a way to reduce trash and increase my connections to local businesses. 

Proof Magazine is for Ohio spirit lovers and is produced by Great Lakes Studios. Don’t miss an issue by subscribing to Ohio Magazine. View a digital version of the Proof Magazine Summer 2024 edition here.

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